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Ur Video: Dallas Willard on Grace
Grace is opposed to earning, not effort.
Ur Video: Chandler vs. Furtick
Are seeker churches shallow? Are Reformed pastors doctrine snobs? Two young church leaders voice their differences.
Ur Video: Pastor Tased by Worship Leader
This takes "worship wars" to a new level.
Ur Video: Francis Chan on Hell
Francis Chan addresses the controversy started by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
Ur Video: Dever Worries "Gospel" Isn't Individual Enough
Does a cosmic gospel diminish the call to personal evangelism?
Friendship Heals Chick-fil-A / LGBT Divide
Dan Cathy, president of Chick-fil-A, models a Christian response to gay activism.
Separated at Birth?
Church leaders and their celebrity twins.
Is there a NeoReformed/New Calvinist Movement or Not?
New research says more church leaders are not choosing Calvinism.
C.J. Mahaney, Pride, and SGM-gate
C.J. Mahaney's "leave of absence" and Josh Harris resigns from the board. What's going on a Sovereign Grace Ministries?
Ur Video: Use a Cell, Go to Hell
Finally a solution to distracting mobile devices in worship.
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