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Should Our Church Start a Food Pantry?
Tips for deciding whether to launch this community-wide ministry.
Still the One
Marriage Partnership catches up with four couples who have been married 20 years—and discovers their secrets for staying together.
Church Growth by Google
Churches are discovering that advertising on Google can be effective and inexpensive.
Weighing Fair-Trade Coffee
Learning the "bean-to-cup" journey before you buy.
The Best Way (for me) to Pray
Find the prayer method that suits you best.
Facing Theological Division
A case-study approach to public leadership and personal relationships when beliefs divide.
Top 10 Mother's Day Videos
Great ways to honor the moms in your church.
Understanding New Wireless Microphone Restrictions
Why your church likely needs to replace its wireless systems—and soon.
Simple Guide for Starting a Food Pantry
How to kick-start this new ministry.
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