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God's Missionary to Us, Part 1
When Lesslie Newbigin returned to the West after 35 years in India, he found his native England had become a foreign mission field.
God's Missionary to Us, Part 2
When Lesslie Newbigin returned to the West after 35 years in India, he found his native England had become a foreign mission field.
God’s Wonder Worker
In retirement, John Wimber reflects on what he learned from building the Vineyard.
Anatomy of a Giver
American Christians are the nation's most generous givers, but we aren't exactly sacrificing.
Amistad’s Unsung Hero
Nobody made a larger impact on the movement to end slavery.
None Dare Call It Sin, plus America's Gambling Habit
How Mississippi's Bible Belt succumbed so quickly and so completely to the gambling industry.
How God Won When Politics Failed
Learning from the abolitionists during a time of political discouragement.
A Regular Purpose-Driven Guy
Rick Warren's genius is in helping pastors see the obvious
Still Writing the Civil War
Do we know this country too well?
A Man of Peace
"While other monks march against peace, this fierce-looking cleric seeks accord"
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