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Is Jesus Welcome in Justice Efforts?
How to speak his name in a "serve but don't proselytize" world.
The Big Picture in this Recession
What is the opportunity and the challenge for the church?
Pastor Tells Seekers How to Pick a Church
What are the best criteria?
Presenting Your Idea to the Church Board
What does a board member need to hear?
When Should You Ask People to Leave Your Church?
Dealing with attenders who aren't getting involved.
We Cannot Compartmentalize Our Faith
Be faithful in every aspect of your life.
A Call for Case Studies
Help the church learn from the church.
How to Pray: Gaza Christians in the Crossfire
A recent bombing amplifies the fear our Gaza brothers and sisters live in.
BlogSpotting: Internet Monk Predicts Evangelical Collapse!
Causes said to include culture clashes and generational shift.
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