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Prolife Organizations Declare 'Significant Victory' in Elections
James ossuary display might be delayed, and other stories from online sources around the world.
White House Reportedly Asks Conservatives Not to Aggravate Democrats
Colombian bishop kidnapped, Pope allegedly targeted for assassination, and other stories from online sources.
Court Reaffirms Decision Against Pledge's 'Under God'
Religious teens are more positive, and other stories from online sources around the world
Muslim-Christian Violence in Uganda and Malawi
Priest shooter acquitted, and other stories from online sources around the world
Salvation Army Rejects $100,000 From Lottery Winner
UNC says InterVarsity chapter can stay Christian, Yemen missionaries' murder tied to Al Qaeda, and other stories from online sources around the world
A Very Unmerry Christmas in Bethlehem
Two injured in British abbey attack, and more information comes to light about the Yemen missionary killings
Hindu Mob Attacks Pastor, U.S. Missionary, and Others
Presbyterians may call first-ever Special Assembly, former AG suggests Jesus was a terrorist, and other stories from online sources around the world
InterVarsity Tactics Vary Widely in Countering Opposition
More arrests in Hindu attack on missionary as trial of missionary murder continues, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Did AIDS Council Nominee Really Call Disease the 'Gay Plague'?
Greek Orthodox leadership puts kibosh on American independence, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Focus on the Family Lays Off 34, Cuts $5 Million
Bush's National Prayer Breakfast speech, and other stories from online sources around the world.
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