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Top 10 Bible Studies for Small Groups
Looking for your next study? Consider these top picks by SmallGroups.com members.
Are We Keeping It Confidential?
Nine question checklist to ensure financial and personal confidentiality.
What We Know: Tax Payments and Filings for Churches and Individuals
How the coronavirus is affecting the current tax season—and beyond.
Online Worship and Meetings
Ideas, insights, and advice on how to proceed as you shift more ministry online.
Church Mergers: When, Why, and How
From consideration to final steps, let the experts guide you each step of the way.
Q&A: Can a Church Glorify God via the Property Tax Process? Absolutely.
What churches should know, especially when an unexpected tax bill arrives.
Preparing For and Responding To Natural Disasters
Churches are often the first to offer relief. Here’s how to become part of the effort.
Consider These Church Management Conferences in 2024
Why church leaders won’t want to miss these six management conferences in 2024.
A Restoration Project
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