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Cultivating a Culture of Service in Your Church
This resource is designed to help you create an atmosphere where service comes naturally and volunteers are encouraged to discover and use their gifts in joyful service.
Christ-Centered Mindset
How to create want-to, can-do workers.
Running an Event
This download is designed to help you plan, organize, and manage a major event.
Cultivating Active Church Members
If your church wants to reach out to new people, you must make newcomers feel welcome and efficiently assimilate them into the life of the church.
Cultivating Long-Term Volunteers
Develop and train volunteers who stick with your ministry.
Want-to, Can-do Workers
Turning your church into a place where people serve willingly and well.
How to Hold Volunteers Accountable
Should we just be grateful for whatever they do?
Overcoming a Reluctance to Lead
When you or a member of your team face doubts about leading well, use this guide to combat those feelings.
Core Values
Discover your church values—how they shape the church and affect how ministry is conducted.
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