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Skye Jethani: Is Tim Tebow a Hypocrite? (Part 1)
Football, Jesus, and the question of public prayer.
Risky Business (Part 1)
A business expert warns pastors not to emulate marketplace principles.
Young Americans Abandoning Cars and Churches
Fewer young adults have a drivers license. What does that mean for commuter churches?
Faith, Science, & the Resurrection (Part 2)
Does the Bible affirm a polymorphic universe? And what it means for the science vs. faith debate.
Ask Rob Bell Your Question
I'm interviewing him this week. What should I ask?
Ur Video: Skye Jethani on True Worship
Learning to recognize God's value is challenging in a transactional culture.
The Case Against Righteous Anger
It's possible to wield anger righteously, but it doesn't mean everyone can.
iChurch: All We Like Sheep
Is our insistence on choices leading us astray?
Live from NPC: Rob Bell
Paper cuts, forgiveness, and chocolate covered turds.
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