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Skye Jethani: The Perpetuity Problem
Why we refuse to believe that God is eternal but our ministries are not.
Skye Jethani: Recipe for Church-365 (Part 3)
What if our approach to discipleship considered a person's vocation?
Skye Jethani: Recipe for Church-365 (Part 1)
What if a church embraced the idea of institutional impermanence?
Seriously Silly
Media, mission, and why the church needs to grasp the power of humor.
Ur Video: Rap Rebuke
Reformed rapper Shai Linne names 12 "false teachers" in new song.
How Long Should a Sermon Be?
Twitter survey asks pastors how long they preach.
Armed and Dangerous
Beware the sword of 'righteous anger.'
The Age of DisIncarnation
Like Jesus, we must accept, even embrace, our embodied limitations.
Developing an Emotionally Healthy Church
Assess and address the spiritual health and maturity in yourself, your leaders, and your congregation
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