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Pastors in Paris: Opposing Terror with Love
Church leaders in the City of Lights are asking for prayer for their city.
The Refugees Are Here
How a German pastor is teaching his people to welcome those displaced from Syria.
Unprecedented, All Over Again.
3 of today's crises the church has faced before.
Bonhoeffer’s Answer to Political Turmoil: Preach!
The German theologian’s words about fear ring remarkably true today.
Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and Obama All Cited One Puritan Sermon to Explain America
How did a forgotten colonial text become a national origin story?
'Praying for Our Candidates' During a Hostile Election
We asked pastors how they've been praying for America's office-seekers. Here's what they had to say.
Why Every Pastor Should Try Handwriting Letters
Don't underrate plain paper and ink.
Charles Finney Was Not a Fan of Babies (or Dogs) in Church
The revival preacher had no patience for distractions. But was he right?
Do You Want to See Your Church's Future? Look to Its Past.
How a congregation's history can light its way forward.
The Long Road to Building Israel's First Post-Statehood Church
Despite fierce opposition, these Israeli Christians are making history with their new home.
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