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Rest for the Mind
How you can still your racing thoughts in order to enjoy the presence of God?
The Fruit of Solitude
If the spiritual discipline of solitude doesn't impact real life, it's not worth much.
Discernment as a Way of Life
We don’t make decisions in a vacuum
Spiritual Disciplines for Busy Church Leaders
Practical tools for leaders who are too busy not to intentionally focus on their spiritual life.
Are You Dangerously Tired?
A hard-to-recognize hazard for Christian leaders.
Finding God's Will
Exploring the Process of Corporate Discernment
Godly Decision Making
We must understand the dynamics of discernment
Why We Need Silence and Solitude
We don't realize the weight of Christian expectations until we quiet ourselves and get alone
Rest and Renewal for Busy Church Leaders
When was the last time you felt really, truly refreshed? Between late night committee meetings, weekends of services, and round-the-clock availability for counseling and crises, the demands of ministry all too often leave leaders feeling physically exhausted and spiritually limp. While we all know the importance of rest and renewal, it can be difficult to allow ourselves to take time out of our day to rest and renew our bodies and souls.
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