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Responding to Allegations of Child Molestation
A Washington state court issues in important ruling-Funkhouser v. Wilson, 950 P.2d 501 (Wash. App. 1998)
Preventing Flare-Ups with Wi-Fi Hotspots
What churches should know about the legal liabilities of wireless access.
Tax Changes of Interest to Churches
Changes churches should know.
The Discipline of Church Members
The Iowa Supreme Court issues an important ruling.
Liability for Giving Positive References
Churches can be held liable for recommending someone with a history of misconduct.
The Deductibility of Pastors' Business Expenses
Tax Court addresses substantiation requirements for clergy taxes.
Electronic Embezzlement
How one CFO used digital signatures to bilk his church out of $850,000.
The Tax Status of Employer-Paid Medical Insurance
New IRS guidance gives temporary relief—but compliance is still required.
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