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Fed Rolls Out New Form I-9, Sunsets Key COVID-19 Deferment
The new Form I-9 is for churches, too, and remote examination is an option.
Oregon Federal Court Affirms Ministerial Exception’s Application to State Law
This noteworthy decision also shows how churches should assert ministerial exception as a defense in employment cases.
Federal Court Bars Guidance Counselor’s Title VII Claims
Case shows the importance of having all faculty-related handbooks, job descriptions, and contracts reviewed by legal counsel.
Key Tax Updates November 2023
Key tax dates for November 2023 include a quarterly Form 941 requirement for nonminister employees.
Takeaways for Church Leaders From the Boy Scouts’ Bankruptcy
Behind the Boy Scouts’ bankruptcy are victim-plaintiffs whose enormous pain, suffering, and loss hold valuable warnings for church leaders.
Q&A: Should We Make a Bargain Sale of Church Property to the Pastor?
This action could create taxable income in the amount by which the property’s fair market value exceeds the bargain sale price.
How the New SECURE 2.0 Affects Churches and Employees with Retirement Distributions, Enrollment Rules
Under SECURE 2.0, ‘Catch-Up’ limits increase, and employers soon can help employees more as they deal with student debt.
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