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Lessons From Aretha Franklin’s Holographic Will
The Queen of Soul left a holographic will under a couch cushion. What happened next is a valuable lesson for church leaders.
7 Keys to Pastoral Retirement Planning
A wide range of legal, financial, and tax issues come into play in the area of pastoral retirement planning.
Part 1 of 4: More States Expand Victims’ Rights to Sue for Abuse
New laws extend, and in some cases, eliminate statutes of limitations for filing civil lawsuits in connection with abuse cases.
The Tax Code’s “No Inurement” Limitation
Failure to meet certain conditions can jeopardize a church’s exempt status.
Woman’s COVID-19 Religious Discrimination Claim Moves Forward
How a federal court analyzed a woman’s COVID-19 religious discrimination claim after she refused the vaccination—and got fired.
Assumption of Risk Forms: A Legal Blind Spot for Many Churches
Without careful legal review, these forms are useless to churches.
Pastor steals ‘love offerings,’ gets three years in prison
Case reveals how ‘love offerings’ raise many complex questions and issues for churches, church leaders.
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