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A Tale of Two Sisters
Can we find a place for both shame and grace?
The Back Page | Philip Yancey: Lessons from Rock Bottom
The church can learn about grace from the recovery movement.
Middle East Morass
Learning to regard people in light of what they suffer.
It's Not About the Crusades
The clash with Islam is over new global realities.
God's Writing Life
Our Creator has chosen a medium that is the most challenging of all.
The Benefits of Brokenness
Why I sometimes wish I was an alcoholic.
I Know You're Here
Theme of the Week: Your Plumb Line
Why Pray?
Prayer is the act of seeing reality from God's point of view.
Jesus' Unanswered Prayers
Even God's Son didn't get an instant reply
Intensive Care Week
Thoughts while sitting beside my brother as his brain and body failed.
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