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Neat! Way Cool! Awesome!
Artists like to have their work admired. That is why we worship.
What’s a Heaven For?
Lewis saw belief in heaven not as wishful thinking, but as thoughtful wishing.
Can Good Come Out of This Evil?
"You people in the sunshine may believe the faith, but we in the shadow must believe it."
The Encyclopedia of Theological Ignorance
In view of the mess we have made of crystal-clear commands, I tremble to think how we might act if some doctrines were less ambiguous.
God of the Maggies
"In broken sinners, Jesus saw not their past but their future"
Feeling autonomous and proud? Then ponder the lives of sheep
God's Astounding Laws of Nature
"I like to think of God as developing his skills, said Dr. Paul Brand"
Going It Alone
We should take heed when much of the world says it distrusts us.
The Leprosy Doctor
Paul Brand showed how to serve others sacrificially and emerge with joy
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