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The Island With No Words
On Remembering Silence in the Creative Life
The Beards of Ministry
A field guide for pastoral facial hair.
American Religiosity and You
Gallup's latest state by state breakdown has few surprises. But how does it impact you?
Is Church Tax Exemption Muzzling the Gospel?
Huckabee's recent SBC speech highlights an important question.
Editor's Retrospective: The Best of 'Leadership Journal', 2013
Our favorite articles from an outstanding year of pastoral publishing.
A brewed awakening
Pouring Coffee with Jesus
An interview with cartoon humorist David Wilkie.
From Moralizing to Connection
XXXChurch's Steven Luff on how local churches can engage porn addiction.
Wings of Wax, Feathers Flying
Controversy aside … fight or flight?
Farewell Franchise Ministry
Why is megachurch pastor John Mark Comer ditching conventional church-growth wisdom? Two words: mission and millennials.
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