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"Noah": Hollywood Goes Biblical Again
Another film of biblical proportions.
Community-minded Pastor Redefines Expectations
And other items of interest from ministry and culture.
Conservation, conversion
Planted and Planting
How environmental care creates Christian community.
News worthy
Revangelizing the Church
Pastor Lance Ford thinks Christians need to listen to the Good News again.
Redefining the Kingdom?
Scot McKnight says we're using "Kingdom" wrong. Here's why that matters.
The Creator Is Closer
I too often forget that God sustains all he has made.
The Island With No Words
On Remembering Silence in the Creative Life
The Zombie Apocalypse
Why are we fascinated with the walking dead who want to eat us?
Five Great TED Talks for Ministry Leaders
Don't miss these short videos on key topics.
Learning from London's Atheist Church
The King has left the building.
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