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Walls Do Talk
In the Bible, locations and structures mean something. What is your facility saying?
What the Gospel Means for Portland
What Christ might say to the City of Roses.
Driscoll, Avatar, and Native Justice
Mark Driscoll's rant against Avatar reveals how blind we remain toward oppressed peoples.
Practicing Biblical Justice
This resource is designed to help you understand what the Bible says about God's heart for justice and what it looks like to live that out in your church.
One in Christ or Coffee?
The danger of replacing Communion with a coffee bar.
What is Biblical Justice?
The theology of justice flows from the heart of God.
The One and the Many
Ministry that's clearly Christian in a multi-faith world.
Multi-Ethnic Novelty
Are consumer Christians engaging justice and racial reconciliation because they're trendy?
Audio Ur: Paul Metzger on Profits and Prophets
What happens when a movement becomes a monument?
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