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Leaders and Lederhosen
Rediscovering the power of local Christian traditions
How the Bible Project Is Using Video to Get People into Scripture Again
The Portland-based animation studio is seeing unprecedented success in an age of biblical illiteracy.
Journey Toward Hope
What a unique cancer ministry can teach you about pastoring people in crisis.
A Second Shot of Coffee with Jesus
Large and startling figures.
‘Dear Worship Leader...’
A review of Zac Hicks’s The Worship Pastor.
Treasures of Darkness
On Image, Intuition, and the Christian Writer
The Creator Is Closer
I too often forget that God sustains all he has made.
The Island With No Words
On Remembering Silence in the Creative Life
The Suspension of Disbelief
Walter Wangerin and the universal story.
Help Your Group Members Recognize the Holy Spirit at Work
Don’t shy away from talking about this important member of the Trinity.
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