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Caring for Church Workers
Make sure your staff and volunteers are supported.
How Do I Uncover My Spiritual Gifts?
3 ways to discern how God wired you.
Walk your team through the importance of being vulnerable in ministry.
The Gift of Darkness
Sharing our brokenness is part of sharing the gospel.
The Odd Teamwork of Jesus
What can we learn from the way Jesus worked with, through, and despite people’s quirks?
Developing Your Preaching and Teaching Style
This resource has articles that offer insights and practices to help you find and develop the unique voice God has given you so you can use your gifts to their fullest potential.
What Joy Isn't
Three ways we misuse or abuse joy
The Heart of the Issue
How Do I Uncover My Spiritual Gifts?
3 ways to discern how God wired you.
Dr. Jekyll and Momma Hyde
Facing the darker side of parenting
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