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Aged Out of Church
Even in our congregations, midlife has become a joke.
Faith Unsettled
Pushing beyond the easy-believism of evangelicalism.
Parented by Grandparents
The challenges of caretaking in middle age present new opportunities for outreach.
Sex, Drugs, and Getting Old
The cost of turning to prescriptions promising to keep us young.
Blogging Truth to Power
Why we listen to watchdogs and whistleblowers (from two of us who have been there)
The Blessing of Missing Christmas
In my Jewish home, my lonely celebrations as a teen changed how I view the holiday.
How to Fight Peer Pressure Culture in Our Churches
Recent examples of fallen ministries show us that conformity can be dangerous.
When Higher Education Is Neither: Why Should I Earn a Degree?
Thoughts for adults considering returning to college in 2012.
Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda
We don’t get do-overs, but God can redeem our regrets
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