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Reaching The Unemployed
How churches are mobilizing to minister as jobless rates climb.
Aiding The Unemployed
Streaming Video
When the miles get in the way.
A Heart for the Homeless
Philadelphia Kixx soccer coach Adam Bruckner gives sandwiches, money, and hope to those in need.
Baptistery Safety
Take the right precautions so no one gets hurt.
Rules of Play
Here's what to look for in recreational and playground equipment.
"When I Was Killed ..."
Not many people can begin a sentence with that phrase, but Don Piper, author of 90 Minutes in Heaven, can. The pastor shares his amazing story.
High-tech Treasures
Easy-to-use Bible and management software save time and effort
Pooling Your Resources
When it comes to buying a baptistry, you won't believe all the purchasing options
Bringing Art to Light
Stained glass windows and new, high-tech decorative windows add beauty to any sanctuary.
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