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Little Church, Big Faith
There are plenty of challenges for small congregations, but they also bring unique strengths.
How to Pray with ADHD
Christians with neurodivergence are exploring other options for devotions and Bible study.
When Can Pastors Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?
At least 18 states name clergy in their rollout plans.
Why Haven’t There Been Any Evangelicals on the Supreme Court?
With their overlapping views with conservative Catholics, not having a seat on the bench may not matter much.
Pastors with ADHD Can Burn Out or Shine
A swath of energetic, charismatic ministry leaders fight for focus.
Tears on Red Soil: Navajo Evangelical Leader Hears Her Homeland ‘Crying Out’
World Renew’s Carol Bremer-Bennett rallies coronavirus relief to the close-knit, under-resourced reservation.
Churches Search for Sounds of Heaven
With growing diversity, evangelical leaders pursue multicultural and international worship music.
A Kentucky Church’s Secret to Handling Abuse Allegations: Humility
Tates Creek Presbyterian won praise for its transparent investigation. Then it had to do it again.
Welcome to Christian Camps’ Weirdest, Hardest Summer
More than a hundred sites have called off their peak season, while others reduced and reimagined their staple programs.
As Methodist Exits Hit 5,800, Some Churches Find Paths Blocked
(UPDATED) The costs and complications of UMC disaffiliation are leaving many congregations stuck.
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