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Engaging Immigration
Pursue your church’s call to welcome the stranger and serve those in need.
Don’t Underestimate the Impact of Lowering the US Refugee Ceiling
Why the recent reduction could lead more countries to follow suit—and continue to damage the church's reputation.
Take Another Look. What if We Saw Asylum Seekers as Our Brothers and Sisters?
Some Christians have bought the lie that the US Border is under invasion. They could be rallying to keep out revival.
Illegal Immigrants in the Church?
Christian thinkers weigh in on what churches should do about meeting the sojourner.
Another Way for Immigration Reform? How Evangelicals Can Help Lead It
Evangelical Call for Restitution-Based Immigration Reform allows evangelicals to voice their support.
Border patrol
How Churches Can Respond to the Unaccompanied Children Crisis
Five things we can do to make a difference for vulnerable children.
A Clear and Present Mission
Two churches point the way for providing needed legal services—and Christian outreach—to immigrants.
The Church and the Huddled Masses
Throughout US history, the church has had a complicated relationship with the "homeless, tempest-tost" looking for a better life.
The US Will Re-Open to Refugees. Is the U.S. Church Ready?
The church has a tremendous opportunity as refugee resettlement is restored.
As the American Church Shrinks, Global Christianity Can Point the Way Forward
We believe the voices and presence of global Christians represent hope for a new, more faithful future.
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