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A Calling Confirmed
How church planting networks assess and verify whether candidates are, indeed, "called."
Catalyst 2011 Justice and Mercy Part 2
In our celebration of justice and mercy, did somebody get left off the guest list?
PreachingToday.com's Top Ten Lists
The Top Ten Sermons, Skills Articles & Illustrations from 2013
Preaching Today's 2016 Book Awards
Our picks for the books and commentaries that are helpful to pastors.
Uniting a Violence-Plagued City in Prayer
Neither death threats nor tepid response discouraged two pastors from praying over every murder site in their city for years.
Preaching Through Disruption: Shepherding Your People
How do you provide what previous Christians called the “cure of souls” when we can’t be with our sheep?
Emotionally Healthy Preaching
Making room for God to do his transformative work in us before we preach.
Good Pastor, Lousy Leader
I struggled as a leader; did that make me a spiritual failure?
Preaching with Childlike Wonder
No matter how many times you have preached on a particular Bible text, there are new riches waiting to be discovered and proclaimed.
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