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On Mancow, MacDonald, and the Harvest Mess
CT's editor in chief on today's aired remarks.
The Purpose of the World: To Become the Church
Paul on “good works”—and my replies to initial critiques of this series.
The Temptations of Evangelical Worship
It’s not about manufacturing positive religious feelings.
Slaveholding Evangelist
Whitefield's troubling mix of views.
Francis of Assisi: Did You Know?
Little-known or remarkable facts about Francis of Assisi
Sweden: Faith Without the Fireworks
The conversion of Sweden is unspectacular—and for that reason most illuminating.
Wordly Monk
Jerome was a disciplined ascetic who was on top of current affairs.
Neo-Orthodoxy: Karl Barth
He revived orthodoxy when mere moralism and humanism had seemingly won over the theological world.
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