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Those Three Magical Words
Even from a distance, I was sure I could hear them.
Considering Working at Home?
Learn from my mistakes. Please.
7 Fashion Fails
Looks we're ready to say goodbye to
On the Ground in Ferguson
Beauty, lament, and sitting together at the foot of the cross.
The Top 7 Sibling Squabbles
Don’t let them ruin your holidays.
A New Message at the Strip Club-Church Showdown
What happened when two Christian women entered the Fox Hole strip club in Warsaw, Ohio.
Lessons from a Clothes Shopping Fast
Distinguishing between needs and wants—and why it's important to our souls.
Learning to Love Your Sinful Neighbor
Our reluctance to move toward those identified as "sinful" keeps us from living like Jesus.
Missional Mamas
Creative, easy ways to engage your children in outreach
Mourning the End of My Marriage
Is it okay to grieve the dreams you'll never realize?
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