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"Ragamuffin" - A Brief Review
An artist/pastor responds to the new Rich Mullins film
Singing Though the Scroll is Sealed
What happens to worship when questions overwhelm?
Experts in Weakness
I don't fit the typical definition of a "strong" leader, and I am glad I don't.
Lookin' out my front door
Visible Neighborhood, Invisible Community
Sometimes, sharing people’s lives is quieter than we’d like. Maybe that’s ok.
Our Difficult Balance
How do we handle the disappointed expectations of ministry?
Ministry in the Margins
Understand the role of the church in a changing culture.
When the Path to Ministry Is an Obstacle Course
What if the things that seem to get in the way of ministry actually qualify us for it?
Confidence Without Clarity
When perfectly clear vision isn't there, how does a leader move forward?
Bossy Women and the Bride of Christ
How the world’s ways of leadership have seeped into the church—but not in the way you might expect.
Standing While Slain
Resilience in ministry requires being open to hurt, for ourselves and for those we care for.
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