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Play What You Feel
How rediscovering artistic freedom changed my leadership.
Mary, Martha, and Slow Church
An interview with Chris Smith and John Pattison
Dimensional rift
Playing Pipes, Singing Dirges
Dancing into truth beyond cultural either/or spectrums.
More than a Performance
A conversation with Bible storyteller Joe Boyd.
When Loving is Knowing
An interview with Esther Lightcap Meek
When One of Us Falls
5 pastors share how they react when a high-profile Christian leader has a moral failing.
I'm Here for You . . . Kinda
Ministry is filled with at least four different kinds of relationships.
Preaching Pictures from Revelation
Crafting sermons that evoke images, movement, and emotion.
Feeling the ‘Ugh’ at Christmastime
Can your church be honest about heartache this Advent?
When Your Calling Feels Like Death
Doing God's will, even in ministry, isn't always fun and flourishing.
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