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The Adulteress: A Stone's Throw from Grace
(John 8:1-11)
Rahab: A Hooker with a Heart for God
Joshua 2:1-21, 6:16-25
Whose Choice Is It, Anyway?
Was I prepared to let go of my own plans for my son?
The Forgiven Woman: An Outpouring of Grace
Luke 7:36-50
Diamonds Aren't Forever
While shopping for my engagement ring, I learned what's really valuable.
Secret Agent Man
One brave guy taught me a valuable lesson about women's ministry.
Heaven on Wheels
I've heard of altar calls … why not an Aerostar call?
Special Delivery
I've prayed plenty of prayers in my time, but "Please don't let them drop me!" was a new one
White as Snow
Was Glorianna Wilson really the right person to play the angel in this year's Christmas pageant?
Leggo My Leggings
My stirrup pants had too much giddyap and go!
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