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Task Master
Is doing it all, all at the same time, really the best way?
The Book Keeper
Confessions of a self-professed bibliophile.
Fearless at Fifty
Reflections on a milestone birthday
No Room at the (Holiday) Inn
Boy, did I have reservations!
The Cat Whisperer
Chalk it up to animal magnetism!
Splish, Splash I Was Takin' a Bath
… and other waterlogged tales
Say WHAT?!
When my shoe landed in the cat dish, my foot ended up in my mouth.
A Heap o' Trouble
I never dreamed this shortcut would lead me into …
Deborah: A "Do Right" Woman
Judges 4:1-5:31
The Adulteress: A Stone's Throw from Grace
(John 8:1-11)
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