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The Duggars: the Anti-Gosselins
When reality TV marriage actually works.
Harry Potter and the Vampire Battle
Yet another reason for evangelicals to embrace the boy wizard.
Teaching an Old Dogfighter New Tricks
Michael Vick appears truly repentant. Can we forgive him?
Girl Dumps God
Carlene Bauer's memoir recounts her de-conversion from Christianity for the literary set.
In the Loop: The Women's Blog News Roundup
What the women's blog editors are reading today.
In the Loop: Matters of Life and Death
What the women's blog editors are reading today.
The Cosby Show Dilemma
When fictional dads and happy endings get tangled in real-life scandal.
Love Your Neighbor (in 4C) as Yourself
Community is possible wherever you are—even in an apartment building.
Serious Fun
Computer games encourage social action.
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