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The Growth at Cliffside
What happens when growing pains become serious?
The New Ministry Dictionary (#1)
A lexicon for state-of-the-art ministerial conversation.
All the world's the stage
The Art of Worship
What keeps us from visual (and vulnerable) responses to God?
The Myth of the Average Millennial
Don't rely on statistics and stereotypes to reach my generation.
What Dreams Are Really Made Of
Why we’ve always tried to find transcendent meaning in an ordinary, everynight event.
Welcome to CTPastors.com
Wisdom and tools for your calling.
The New Math of Church Mergers
An option once seen as a failed strategy is now giving many congregations a new lease on life.
The Beards of Ministry
A field guide for pastoral facial hair.
Dancing on Graves?
Why celebrations of death give "the last enemy" too much power.
Ministry after a Fatal Police Shooting
Amid Charlotte’s tragedy, Claude Alexander calls pastors to be both critics and reconcilers.
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