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You Need a More Ordinary Jesus
We are united with a Christ who seems not to have done much of note for most of his life.
Ministry after the Massacre
150 days after the Orlando nightclub shooting, three pastors share how they’ve responded and what they’ve learned.
Breaking All the Barriers
How the Spirit at Pentecost decimated humanity’s dividing walls.
A Lent That's Not For Your Spiritual Improvement
Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness weren't about getting closer to God, either.
Did Jesus Make Mistakes?
Mark Driscoll says yes, though Jesus never sinned. Experts weigh in.
Yes, Jesus Has Always Been Our Boyfriend
The biggest difference between old and new hymns isn't Trinitarian theology.
Surprise: The African Church Is Not Very Charismatic
Only a third of the continent’s Christians are Pentecostals and other renewalists. And they’re facing backlash.
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