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Beyond Happily Ever After
Before we wrote our mission statement, we didn't realize how secular our goals were.
A Letter to American Christians
A powerful message from Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Power of A Personal Coach
My experiment in trying to become a more effective Christian leader.
What Sustains "Pastoral Excellence"?
The $25 million question.
Why Leaders Are Sometimes Unhappy
And why that may be good.
America's Zoo Keeper
Jack Hanna's love for all God's creatures has given him an international reputation
Church Discipline for Repetitive Sin
How do you work pastorally with people who are likely to fall again?
When Nobody Notices
Let's be honest, it's tough to serve behind the scenes.
Building on Budget
How to succeed at a church renovation project, despite two painful realities of construction.
Raising Money from Millennials (free sample)
They will give generously if you approach them in the right way.
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