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Baptizing the Dora Generation: Why Preschooler Faith Is So Controversial
Southern Baptist leaders would rather ‘the only consistently growing group in baptisms’ be shrinking.
Jesus Suffers with Us—and We with Him
Even in our darkest moments, he is not going anywhere.
Did Matthew Think Peter Was a False Disciple?
A new book from a top evangelical scholar makes the case.
Five Tips for Illustrating the Atonement
How to make sure your illustrations are grounded in Scripture and connect with your people.
Up and Away: Why It Is Good that Christ Departed
Exploring the reason for Christ's ascension into heaven.
The Most Interesting Theologians in the World
Stay doctrinal, my friends...
Why the Pope Is Going Green
The theology behind Francis’s warning on climate change.
The 'Above All' Commandment of the Sabbath
The one divine 'law' that tells us to stop striving for transformation.
The Church Is a Harlot, But I Love Her
Looking past the imperfections of the church and her leaders.
History’s Biggest Heresies
False teachings condemned by the church.
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