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Help for the Evangelism-Challenged
How to share your faith when it doesn't come naturally.
The essential survival skill for leaders buckling under information overload.
Selecting Your Key Information Areas, Part Two
What must you know—and what can you safely ignore?
Leading in an Age of Information Overload
The importance of an information fast.
Pomo Ponderings
10 Questions about Postmodern Ministry
4 Conversation Skills that Transform
How to practice "pastoral presence" and guide deep change.
Naming common misconceptions about forgiveness
The Strange Yet Familiar Tale of Brian, Rob, and Don
A decade ago, they stood as the leading voices for our evangelical future. We all know what happened since. But do we know why?
Handling Conflict
Conflicts big and small demand a thoughtful, heartfelt approach.
Healthy Guidelines for Handling Conflict
Create a culture of healthy conflict-resolution.
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