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Connecting Service and Evangelism
Get you and your staff thinking strategically about service projects that lead that lead to physical and spiritual transformation.
I Kissed Guilt Goodbye
How to stop being your own worst critic
Being a Safe Person
There is no doubt—we live in troubled times. It may feel hard to concentrate on your spiritual life when you face financial challenges, when the world seems to be in turmoil.
A Day Set Apart
In our ongoing series that focuses on spiritual practices, we'll take an extended look at just one practice: Sabbath keeping.
Between Solitude and Effective Ministry
The beginning of the school year marks, at many churches, the beginning of a new season of ministry. Children get "promoted" to the next grade level—which in the church I grew up in, was a big deal.
Welcoming Strange People
When you hear the phrase "spiritual practice," or "spiritual discipline," what comes to mind?
Who Are You? A Journey in Journaling
A friend and I recently taught a workshop at a weekend women's retreat. The topic? Journaling. What's your gut response to the mention of the practice of journaling?
Your Two Cents Worth
I wonder what the crowd expected to hear from Jesus.
God's Simple Answer
One of my favorite indulgences, which I treat myself to a few times a year, is Real Simple magazine. I find it somewhat ironic that a magazine about simplicity has slick ads for so much stuff, but it's still a fun magazine to read.
Shaking Things Up
Something shifted tremendously in how people followed God after Jesus walked our planet.
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