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Freed by Bill Clinton, Saved by Jesus
'The World Is Bigger Now' recounts Christian journalist Euna Lee's imprisonment in a North Korean jail.
The American Red Cross's Knight in Shining Pearls
Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, the first woman to chair the American Red Cross, says women hold the keys to the world's economy.
Giving It Everything
What we like about the new radicals. Really.
Steubenville: Whatever Happened to Human Dignity?
A discussion of rape, responsibility, and redemption.
When Your Deep Gladness Meets the World's Need
How we find our calling
Not All Vulnerability Is Brave
We don’t have to expose our deepest secrets with every speech and blog post.
Why We Need a Beautiful Orthodoxy
What we hope you see in every CT article.
Christians' Pro-Vaccines History
Meet the Puritan who helped to eradicate smallpox.
What We Mean by Prophecy
We all need a word of judgment—and of hope.
The Weird and Wonderful Church Drawings of John Hendrix
Hendrix is no Thomas Kinkade. Which means he gets us a lot closer to the Bible.
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