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The 3 Best Times to Bring Needed Change to a Church
Healthy churches are always looking for ways to make good things better. They don’t wait for something to break before they fix it.
The Value of a Small Church: Personalized Major League Coaching
Schools, sports and megachurches recognize the value of breaking into smaller groups for learning, coaching and relationships. So why do we devalue it in smaller churches?
Why Some Great Churches Never Impact Their Community
Your church has the world's greatest treasure. Don’t hide it behind layers of misdirection and insider lingo, daring people to find it.
One And Done: Why Small Church Discipleship Is Always A Moving Target 
In a small church, it doesn’t take long for everyone who’s interested in a specific discipleship program to finish it.
Why Was I So Hard On That Church I Visited?
Impacting our community for Jesus takes more than having a great worship service and solid, biblical teaching.
Is Your Church A Family? 5 Ways To Help It Be A Healthy One
A healthy family doesn’t put up walls to keep newcomers out. They welcome new members with open arms and big parties.
It's Time For A Church Transition: Should The Pastor Leave? Hand Off? Or Reboot?
No church should be so reliant on one person that it’s at risk of collapse when that person leaves. Even if that person is the pastor.
What Are You Improving At Your Church Right Now?
The mission of the church is too important for any congregation to settle for business as usual.
The 3 Biggest Problems With An 'Every Number Is A Person' Approach To Ministry
Record-keeping and statistical analysis are helpful ministry tools. But we need to know their limitations.
Big Churches And Small Churches: Contrast Without Criticism
Church leaders need to understand the differences between churches of various sizes. So we can work together, not tear ourselves apart.
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