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5 Reasons Annual Planning Is Harder In a Small Church
Most small church pastors want to be better planners. But where are the resources for how to plan better in a small church context?
Tired of the Show: Why the Church Can't (and Shouldn't) Compete with Hollywood
No one is leaving church because we're not putting on a good enough show. They're looking for something else entirely.
5 Reasons to Stop Making Your Sermon Notes Rhyme
Instead of playing linguistic games, we need to produce better content. In a format that matches the way people listen, talk and live.
How to Have a Church Where Money Is Never a Problem (For Real)
If your small church is struggling to survive, this might be the solution you're looking for. Hint: it's extreme, but it's not a fad.
Reality Check: We're All Going to Pastor a Small Church
Virtually every lead pastor will pastor a small church. At least for a while. Usually longer than we expect. Let's do it well.
27 Benefits of Putting an Expiration Date On New Ministries In Your Church
Here's a great way open your church up to innovative new ideas by minimizing the risk – or at least the sting – of failure.
Jesus Called Us to Make Disciples, Not Baptists (or Catholics, or Lutherans, or...)
A humble call to remind all of us that it’s about Jesus and his church, not our little segment of it.
Dear Andy Stanley, Please Be the Small Church's Ally, Not Our Enemy
A plea from the 90 percent about "that" sermon you preached.
Overcoming the Small Church Easter Sunday Blues
Many small churches prepare for Easter Sunday under an unseen burden.
People Won't Commit to the Church Any More? Don't You Believe It
The way people make commitments is changing. Unhealthy churches whine about it. Healthy churches do something about it.
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