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When Hollywood Goes to Church: 18 Stereotypes
A lighthearted look at what we've all learned about church and the ministry from TV and movies.
Start in the Shallow End: How to Make Changes Without Sinking Your Church
How to make those first much-needed changes as pain-free as possible.
Serious About Discipleship? Mentoring Is Better Than Curriculum
Small churches have a serious advantage when it comes to discipleship. If we’ll use the right tools.
You May Be a Small Church Pastor and Not Even Know It
Ninety percent of pastors are small church pastors. We need to acknowledge that if we ever hope to do it well. (Take this short quiz to know for sure.)
The Lonely Small Church Pastor: Breaking the Cycle
The smaller the church, the more likely the pastor is doing most ministry alone. But there is hope.
Mind the Gap: When Your Next Church Growth Step Is a Giant Leap
Redefining church growth and ministry success on this side of a church growth gap.
Six Church-Insider Issues I Don't Care About Any More
I used to waste a lot of time arguing over these issues. Now? Meh. On some things, apathy is the best policy.
Four Steps to Becoming a Great Church – Of Any Size
Becoming a big church is hard. Becoming a great church is simple. Not easy, but simple.
Feeding the Flock In a Count-the-Sheep Culture
Is it possible to find success in ministry outside the church growth numbers? It depends who gets the credit.
10 Ways to Deal with Chronic Complainers In the Church
Small churches can be a magnet for chronic complainers. Here's how to reduce their negative impact - and increase the positive.
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