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3 Simple Words That Can Help Your Sermons Stick
A simple practice every pastor can do on Monday that can help last weekend's message have the impact you want.
7 Reasons to Consider a Small Church Internship
Small churches have unique characteristics, quirks and blessings that can only be learned by having ministry experience in them.
3 Ways Some Churches Grow Without Getting Bigger
Butts-in-the-seats growth is great. But it’s not going to happen for every church. That's never a reason to give up, coast along, or offer excuses.
The Folly of Trying to Measure Success In Christ’s 'First Shall Be Last' Kingdom
We need to measure what we can manage, but let’s not fall into the trap of thinking we have more control than we do.
Why I've Stopped Reading All Those '10 Reasons Your Church Isn’t Growing' Lists
Please stop beating us down for what you think we’re not doing. Guilt doesn’t motivate, it discourages.
Why Doesn’t God Answer All My Prayers? Because Some of Them are Stupid
We need to become better pray-ers. But how? Offer prayers God has already said he’ll answer.
CTPastors Has a Small Church Section – And They Want to Hear From You!
How to pitch, write and submit an article that fellow small church pastors will want to read, and the editors of CTPastors will want to publish.
5 Mistakes More Likely To Be Made By Small Churches Than Big Churches
Different sizes of churches serve different functions. And they face different challenges.
Are You Missing What God Is Doing While Holding Out For Something Bigger?
When we get to heaven will God ask some of us "Why did you look down on the ministry I gave you?"
Megachurches are Not Normal - And That's OK
Small Churches are the norm. Megachurches are the exception. Neither is better. Both are needed.
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