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Capital Fundraising
Answer the questions that will lead to a successful capital fundraising campaign.
Church Website Essentials
Helpful advice for improving the church's new front door--the website.
Protect Your Church's Data
Learn how the need for security grows as your church increases computer use.
Sample Form: Church-Wide Announcement for Small Groups
Adapt this sample form to announce and promote small groups in your church.
No Room for Churches
Why people don't want churches in their neighborhood
When Your Ministry Becomes Taxable
How to keep your new bookstore, childcare center, or land rental from attracting IRS attention
Official Business
Professional solutions for five office concerns
Church Mortgages
Financing a church is not the same as financing a home—know the differences or risk costly mistakes.
Time Management for Pastors
Key points for living a balanced, productive life and avoiding burnout.
Maximum Ministry
How churches can successfully discern and answer God's call to serve.
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