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If You Build It, Will They Come?
Advice from church consultants on the relationship between building and congregational growth
Healing the Air-Sick Church
Tips for diagnosing and treating indoor pollutants at church
Pictorial Directory: It's a Snap!
The fast, easy way to produce a directory that stays current
Messaging Systems
Reach one or one thousand with these communication tools.
Dual Roles, Maximum Impact
How bi-vocational ministers effectively serve the world and the Church
New Faces? No Problem!
A church in a transient community goes far to protect the children in its care.
Wedding Arrangements
Forms, policies, and guidelines to help your church as it organizes weddings.
Bi-vocational Ministry
In "Bi-Vocational Ministry," you'll find articles to help you explore the advantages and challenges of employing pastors that also work outside the church.
The IRS and Pulpit Politics
Learn how you can be involved without endangering your tax-exempt status.
A Better Way to File Taxes
New products and programs to ease the way
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