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Discovering Islam: The Intellectual Challenge
There's good reason to believe that there will be staying power to the West's belated discovery of Islam.
Closing The X-Files ...
… with the sign of the Cross
Why Evangelicals Can't Opt Out of Political Engagement
Remembering Jeremiah Evarts and Samuel Worcester
The New York Times Discovers Religion (Again)
Shouldn't the paper of record be able to move beyond Square One?
Myths of the Taliban
Misinformation and disinformation abounds. What do we know?
Infamy Indeed
John Gregory Dunne suggests imperialistic Americans got what they deserved at Pearl Harbor
The Strange Case of Napoleon Beazley
How media coverage of a young killer created death row chic.
The Imagination of Disaster
We thought we were invulnerable. Really?
Christian Scholarship ... For What?
Academic speakers affirm the value of beholding God's creation
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