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New Ways People Are Reading the Bible
Current technologies assist churches in getting the Word of God to their congregants.
God's Word in Later Days
Help your group members think more deeply about obstacles to truth mentioned in the Bible.
What Makes a Good Bible Study?
The answer may not be what you think.
Resolving Church Conflict
When should you bend, and when stand strong?
What Should We Do with Unwanted Pregnancies?
We may inadvertently push women into abortions by our responses. Here are 6 ways to keep that from happening.
5 Dangers of Life-Threatening Mentorship
Ways to recognize, identify, and avoid potentially harmful mentoring relationships
Praying Grandparents
Stand in the gap for the next generation.
Leading to the Ends of the Earth
How to reach beyond your church by investing within your church
How to Pray for Your Congregation
To support your people in prayer, focus on who God is
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