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You Can Preach Apocalyptic Literature with a Sure Hand
Books like Daniel and Revelation, which you may now fear to teach, can become your favorite places to proclaim good news. Here are some key principles for tackling this difficult and powerful genre.
Pyrotechnic Preaching
A review of "Setting Words on Fire: Putting God at the Center of the Sermon" by Paul Scott Wilson
The Authentic Preacher: Jeffrey Arthurs
A Video Interview with Jeffrey Arthurs
How Long Is the Bridge to Postmoderns? (Part 4)
Take into account three changes in how people now think, and you can get a hearing.
A Preacher's Perspective on the Book, Stories with Intent
"Preacher's Perspective" is an ongoing review of books of interest to preachers from the Christianity Today book-of-the-year awards. Stories with Intent addresses the topic of how to interpret the parables of Jesus.
Preaching As Reminding
The power and simplicity of reminding folks of what they already know
Riveting Sermons
How to Get and Keep Listeners' Attention
Form-fit Preaching
How the genre of the biblical text should shape sermon structure.
Inside the Preaching Brain of Jeffrey Arthurs
A preaching professor's 'brain-o-scan' reveals the mystery of sermon prep
First Impressions
The communication theory Estimated Relationship Potential shows us that first impressions are powerful.
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