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Preaching in the Wake of Disaster
Five suggestions from pastors who have weathered fierce storms, supported by psychological and disaster mental health research.
How Your Church Can Care for Refugees
Resources to engage your church in responding to the refugee crisis.
How to Help Your Church Avoid Getting Scammed after a Hurricane
Here’s what you can do to keep vulnerable people in your care from being taken advantage of.
How to Prepare Your Church for Cybersecurity Threats
A cybersecurity expert shares tips on how your church can avoid getting hacked.
How to Train Disaster Volunteers in Your Church
Five steps for building and preparing a disaster ministry team.
What Churches Need to Know About the New FEMA Disaster Aid Process
A breakdown of the options churches now have access to for disaster protection and relief.
How Should Churches Respond to Mass Shootings?
An interview with former FEMA Chief W. Craig Fugate in light of the Tree of Life Synagogue Tragedy.
What's Your Church's Plan for an Active Shooter?
Four things church leaders must consider when preparing a shooter response plan.
Three Actions to Take If Wildfires Threaten Your Congregation
For churches in areas where wildfires are a constant concern, essential preparedness activities can reduce the chaos that comes with a natural disaster.
How to Start a Disaster Ministry
The vital steps churches can take in creating the best ministry for the worst times.
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